High School
Whether it’s an invitation to join a friend for dinner in their home, going out of town with friends or relatives or another date with someone special…everyone wants to get invited back!
Encore! Is a series of events that help high school students prepare for the important occasions in their lives—and isn’t every occasion important?
This program may include classes on topics such as Basic Social Skills, Prom Etiquette, Dining Skills, Interviewing Skills, Success in the Workplace and Business Etiquette. Classes are ad hoc and are usually sponsored or offered through a school, country club, parent organization or other interested group. Number of classes, students and topics are customized to the group of participants. Please contact us for more information.
This program is ad hoc and is usually sponsored by a school, leadership organization, country club, church, CDD or an interested group of parents. A list of possible topics can be provided to interested groups.